Our Services

Swasth Ayurvedic Centre provides different Ayurveda services

Ayurveda Treatments

Elakizhi, Abhyangam, Dhara, Nasyam, Kadivasti, Pizhichil, Dhanyamala Dhara, Naranga Kizhi, Matravasti, Kashayavasti, Njavarakizhi & Ksharasootra.


IP & OP,
AC & Non AC Rooms with Food
Wifi &
Post Natal Care

24X7 Service

Speciality Clinics

General Medicine,

Male & Female Infertility,


About Us

Swasth Ayurvedic The Ayurvedic Experts Since 1908

Ayurvedic Treatments

Effective Ayurvedic treatment for back pain, asthma, diabetes, piles, weight loss, infertility, obesity, pimples, rheumatoid arthritis, PCOS , sinusitis, hair regrowth, knee pain, dandruff, paralysis, migrane, hair loss, hair fall, skin diseases, fibroids, knee joint pain, constipation, acidity, osteoarthritis, cholestrol, jauntice, sciatica, osteoporosis, hemorrhoids, gastric problms, spondylitis, cough, insomnia, psoriasis.

we offer both inpatient and outpatient services. Both departments are equipped with modern facilities. Different treatment modules are developed and designed on an individualized basis by our physicians. Redefining rejuvenation, we have walk trails in our ambience where you can go for a short walk. Our in-patient accommodations are either single or twin bedrooms. Most of the Suites are equipped with telephone, Cable television, A/c, refrigerator and a private veranda. All rooms are very clean and have private bathroom facilities. We have separate Treatment rooms with utmost privacy for male and female, so that you can relax your mind and body at Krishnendu, where the time-tested method of healing puts you in the right mood. We also have round the clock security, mini library, an indoor activity room, an internet cafe and a restaurant. We are literally at your beck and call!

Our Facilities

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Our Specialities

Swasth is the first Ayurvedic centre of its kind in Muvattupuzha where you get comprehensive Avurvedic treatm;nt the traditional way.

brings vou serr ices olconsultants fronr v'arious specralties. O caters to inpatient treatment u'ith allthe facilities traditionalll practiced in \rLu'ie.ie. O has facilities to treat disiease conditions lilie Artliritis. lor,; back pain^ cervical spondylitis. O has special packages for patients recovering from stroke and other paralltic conditions undergoing conventional rehabilitation program. O has detoxification treatrnents @. o frto>rgou-t O has facilities to perform surgic:rl treatments like Ksharasoothra availing services of specialists from Amrita Ayurveder Medical College Kollam. Acute sprains get effectivrs treatments the traditional way. Out patient departrnent provides regular service of a Resident medical offioer. Specialists can be consult,od on plior appointment.

John Doe


Larry Doe

Art Director

Ranith Kays


Joan Ray


Contact Us

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Swasth Ayurvedic Center
Ernakulam Road,Velloorkunnam
Muvattupuzha, Kerala INDIA



