General Rules

  • Registration is free.
  • Students may register through website or through registration forms available with the school office / MBITS office.
  • For group events, all contestants must register together and all must be from the same institution.
  • Any change in registered team will not be entertained unless prior sanction from the host institution.
  • No spot registration is allowed.
  • All group members should produce ID cards/Authorization letter from the institution.
  • Participants must comply with all rules and other judgments set by the Committee.
  • Any deviation from the above will result in immediate disqualification of the participant groups.
  • The host institution explicitly reserves the right to change or amend any event in unavoidable circumstances.
  • The decisions of the jury members are final.
  • Participants have to report at registration counter 1 hour prior to the commencement of the event.
  • Participation certificates will be given for all the participants.


  1. For Smart School Award, participation in minimum three events is compulsory.
  2. School with maximum point will be entitled with Smart School Award.
  3. In case of a tie, the number of event participated by a school will be considered for choosing the Smart School.
  4. Any student from classes 8 to 12 can participate.
  5. A mentor may accompany the team from each school.

Polytechnic Project Expo

About The Event

We are providing a platform of opportunity to showcase the hidden talents and technical awareness of polytechnic students.


  • To explore and encourage scientific and technological creativity among students.
  • To promote innovations in diverse fields of life and to apply in day to day life.
  • To encourage student’s creativity and innovations in the field of Engineering.

Regulations For Selection Of The Project

  1. The project can be from any discipline of Engineering.
  2. Participant has to register through
  3. After receiving the acknowledgement mail, participants should mail their abstract with the project title, college address and participant’s name preferably in pdf or word format to on or before 20th Dec 2017.
  4. Subject of the mail to be send should follow the format:
    < Reg No. - Department - Area - Title of the project >
    Eg: < PT-110 – ME - Networking - Title of the project >
  5. All the entries of abstract will be scrutinized by a committee and the final selected participants will be informed via email.
  6. Selected participants have to confirm their participation and send the details of the project to in word or pdf format with subject “Title of the project”.
    • The document name should be “Title of the project“.
    • The first page of the document should contain the title of the project, name of the participant and their respective college with contact number and e mail IDs.
  7. Please include Reg No. in all the further communications through email.

General rules and guidelines for competition

  • Each team can have a maximum of 4 members.
  • Team members should belong to the same institution.
  • A team member can participate in only one project presentation.
  • Members should have a valid student ID card of their college.
  • Participants shall bring all their necessary project requirements.
  • Additional requirement if necessary has to be informed 1 week prior the event.

Evaluation Criteria

  • During evaluation process emphasis will be given to creativity of the concept rather than the physical model.
  • Relevance with practical need will be preferred.
  • General layout of model, its relevance, clarity of charts accompanying the exhibit / model will be assessed.
  • The decision of the judges shall be treated as final.

Date of remembrance :

Last date of online abstract submission 20th Dec 2017
Acceptance of abstract 23rd Dec 2017
Confirmation of participation 30th Dec 2017
Event Date 11th Jan 2017


1. A team should consist of two students.
2. Only two team per school is allowed.
3. The decision of the quiz-master will be final and will not be subjected to any change.
4. The participants should not be allowed to use mobile or other electronic gadgets during the event.
5. Topics covers Science, Current affairs, Sports, Arts and History.
6. The questions shall be in the form of multiple choice, True / False statement and Specific-answer question type.

Project Expo

Event Theme: “Innovations in Science &Technology” (Energy, Environment, Information Technology, Electronics, Agriculture, Health)

Judging criteria:
• Correlation to event theme.
• Relevance of the model with current social scenario.
• Perfection of the model.
• Creativity, presentation ,technical skill and innovation.

1. Still Model


• Students can participate either as individual or as a team.
• Maximum 3 members per team.
• Any number of team can participate from a school.
• Only 1 still model is allowed per individual/team.
• One page abstract about the model related to event theme must be sent to on or before December 20th 2017.
• Intimation regarding selection will be published in the website.
• Travelling Allowance will be provided for the selected teams.

2. Working Model


• Students can participate only as a team.
• A group of 2-5 contestants per team.
• Any number of team can participate from each school.
• Only one working model is allowed from each team.
• One page abstract about the model related to event theme must be sent to on or before December 20th 2017.
• Intimation regarding selection will be published in the website.
• Contestant can occupy the presentation stall at 7 AM onwards for setting their model on the event day.
• A stall area of 2.5 m x 2 m will be provided for each team.
• A table of 150 cm x 90 cm with power supply will be given to each team for displaying their model.
• Additional requirement if any to be informed one week prior to the event day.
• Travelling Allowance will be provided for the selected teams.

Poster Design

Rules and Regulations for Poster Making Competition

Event Theme: “Science & Technology“

Judging criteria:
• Correlation to theme.
• Relevance with the current social scenario.
• The theme of the content.
• Creativity, presentation and technical skill.

• Any number of team can participate from each school.
• A poster can be designed digitally or can be manually drawn on an A3 sized chart paper.
• For digital posters, a poster of A3 size and 842 pixels x 1191 pixels (screen resolution) should be sent to on or before December 20th 2017. • For digital posters, a poster ofA3 resolution should be sent to on or before Dec 20th 2017.
• For manually drawn poster, a clear photograph (min: 1 mb size) of the poster should be send to on or before Dec 20th 2017.
• Name of contestant and school must be clearly mentioned on the bottom of the poster.
• Intimation regarding selection will be published in the website.
• Selected contestants have to bring an A3 size printout (Print resolution for digital designs ) /A3 size poster (Manual Drawing) at the time of competition.
• A 5 minutes time will be given to the participant to express their creativity.


Rules and Regulations for Ideathon

• "Ideathon" is a group event. Interested participants are requested to form a team of 3-5 members from the same institution with a maximum of only 2 groups from that institution.
• The participating groups will be given a series of 3 problem statements related to science, technology and general affairs on or before Dec 20th.
• The participating groups have to demonstrate the idea live and afresh at the venue during the competition.
• Each team will be allotted a time of at most 30 minutes for completing a particular solution in the series.
• Judging criteria will be based on completion, presentation, and feasibility of the solution.
• Each team has to bring the materials required for their solution.

Waste Craft

Rules and Regulations for Waste Craft

Judging criteria:
• Usefulness of final product.
• Utilization of waste materials.

• Only two team entries are allowed from each school.
• A team shall consist of two persons.
• Waste material could be anything like tetra packs, bottles, newspapers, wooden piece, brick, scrap, metal and plastic wastes , concrete waste, old utensils, jute material or any second hand items that otherwise would be thrown away . Please note degrading material like food, kitchen waste etc cannot be used.
• Major portion of the final product should be waste material.
• Incomplete models will not be considered for judging.

Lathe Master

Rules and Regulations for Lathe Master

• It is an individual event and the time is limited to 2 hours.
• Maximum number of participants is limited to 30.
• Participating student have to attend the mandatory lathe training program organized by the MBITS on January 3rd and 4th, 2017, in order to prepare the students for competition.
• Judgment will be based on dimensional accuracy and finish.

How To Reach Us

Contact Us

Contact Info

Nellimattom P.O, Kothamangalam
Ernakulam (Dist), Kerala
Mobile: 90610 62801, 90610 63801, 90610 64801 (Off.)
Phone: 0485 283 7801